De Pró Cava rosé ideal for Valentine's

De Pró sparkling rosé Cava perfect for Valentine’s Day

Wine critic for the Washington Post, Dave McIntyre, has just published his list of top sparkling rosés for Valentine’s Day and De Pró Cava Rosé made the grade! The most affordable of his recommendations at $15 he describes it as EXCELLENT, saying,

“Its bright cherry color and fun, fruity and effusive flavors make this an ideal aperitif to welcome the evening or a special occasion.”

De Pró Cava Rosé is imported into the USA by Artisans and Vines and it is available in a variety of bars, restaurants and retailers across Washington District, Maryland and Virginia.

We agree with Dave that this sparkling rosé is the ideal wine to turn any day into a celebration, so it’s perfect this year, when many will be spending Valentine’s Day at home. Simply raising a flute is sure to put a smile on your face.

Made in the heart of Cava country from the native Trepat grape using the traditional method. It is aged for at least 12 months in a modernist Cava cellar built between 1910 and 1920 that was named the “Cathedral of Wine” by Catalan writer Àngel Guimerà.

We love its pretty pink colour, red fruit aromas and dry finish and enjoy serving it with seafood, tapas and Chinese food, especially fried dishes like chow mein and spring rolls.