Altos de Aranda

Altos de Aranda – bringing DO Ribera del Duero to everyone

As Long Wines is based in Madrid, wines from DO Ribera del Duero are very familiar to us – just a few hours’ drive to the north, its wines are available in every wine bar and restaurant across the city. However, its extreme climate and the fact it is Spain’s most prestigious region, mean that it can be difficult and expensive to source wines that combine drinkability with affordability – they are usually either released too young with untamed tannins or at a price that international consumers are not prepared to pay.

This is why we are so delighted to launch Altos de Aranda. The result of years of searching for the right winery partner and the ideal wines, the range offers an unoaked Tempranillo with bold flavours that shows the quality of the high altitude fruit and a Crianza that blends this red and black fruit with complex spice and leather notes. Fernando Mora MW consulted on the blend for the Tempranillo to ensure that it combines intense fruit with juicy, balanced freshness and we think he has done a great job.

The area that they come from its known for the quality of both its wines and its lamb from flocks that graze on the wild herbs that grow on the scrubland. We’re allowed to use the term “High-altitude Vineyards” on the label as the vines are grown at an average of 800m above sea level, meaning that the difference between day and nighttime temperatures is extreme, allowing the grapes to ripen fully while still retaining a refreshing level of acidity. The grapes also grow thicker skins giving deep colour and more structured wines.

Please contact us if you would like us to send samples, prices or any further information.