Freddie Long

Interview with Freddie Long of Long Wines

 As William’s son, Freddie grew up in Spain and has visited wineries since he was tiny. Completely bilingual, he studied International Relations at Sussex and worked in...

Frost damage to vines across Spain

Although less affected than France, which has declared an agricultural disaster after 80% of its vines were damaged by heavy frost towards the end of April, vines...

An interview with William Long  

US importers and customers Artisan & Vines recently published an interview with our MD William Long in their newsletter. We’ve published his answers to their questions: What inspired...

Finca Mónica WSET Patrocinio

Finca Mónica es una marca de Long Wines que está elaborada en la Rioja Oriental. Celebra el trabajo de las mujeres en el mundo del vino. Aunque hay muchas mujeres...